From the course: Programming Foundations: Software Testing/QA

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Create a test strategy

Create a test strategy

- For each project, a QA engineer will create a test strategy, which describes how a product will be tested. A test strategy is useful so that anyone can read and understand the scope of testing clearly. I'll walk through a template to show what details I include in a test strategy. This template can be reused and modified for any project. First up is the introduction. The introduction is a high-level summary of the project. An example introduction can be, this strategy outlines what quality provides to the project, what type of testing is done, and how testing is carried out. The aim is to ensure quality in all phases of the development lifecycle to deliver a great experience for our users. Next up are references. This will include any relevant links for their project, including their project's repository and tools used in the tech stack. As an example here, and describe the application teck stack and tools being…
