From the course: PowerPoint Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Use the QuickStarter outline tool

Use the QuickStarter outline tool

- [Instructor] A benefit to being an Office 365 subscriber is the ability to use a great feature called Quick Starter. If you're having trouble getting going on a presentation, this tool can help you build an outline and get that outline on slides with a nice design, quickly. Click file and then new. And the very first entry should be quick starter. I'll select it and if this is the first time you've ever used this tool, you'll need to click turn on to turn on the intelligent services for your work, which is a popup dialogue. This is going to give Microsoft permission to go out onto the internet and do research and design for you. Once you click turn on, you'll be brought to this screen and we can start by putting in a topic. I'll put in my topic and click search. Based on the topic I chose, PowerPoint is going to give me some subtopics. I'll choose a link and now I can choose some starter slides. I can use as many or as…
