From the course: PowerPoint Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Remove the background from pictures

Remove the background from pictures

- [Instructor] I've inserted a fairly large picture on the slide. And while I like it, I would love to just have the person, and not this busy picture frame in the background. PowerPoint comes with a tool to allow us to remove the frame from the picture. It's called the background removal tool. I'll start by clicking on the picture to select it. Once I click on it, the Picture Format ribbon tab is going to appear. All the way on the left-hand side, I can click Remove Background. PowerPoint thinks for a bit, and then it will decide what it thinks should be kept and what should go away. Everything in pink is what's going to go away, and everything that remains the same color is what it thinks it should keep. As you can see, PowerPoint has gotten everything backwards. However, that's okay. The tool allows us to manually overwrite everything. So on the top left-hand side of the screen, I'm going to select Mark Areas to…
