From the course: PowerPoint Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Create accessible presentations

Create accessible presentations

- PowerPoint has a strong commitment to making sure we build presentations that are accessible for all. That said, it's okay if you don't know how to do that. PowerPoint has the tools to help and they just keep getting better and better. Before we use something called the accessibility checker, I'm going to show you some ways that you can prepare for that tool. If I scroll all the way down in my presentation and I know I have a video in here somewhere, here it is. If I select that video and change to the playback tab I have the option to insert captions into this video. This is a great way to insert WebVTT closed captions for my video. Something else that I can do while I'm actually presenting and for that I'm going to change to the slideshow ribbon tab, is to always use subtitles for my presentation. In subtitle settings I can even choose the microphone that I'm going to be using to present and where I want the subtitles…
