From the course: PowerPoint Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Challenge: Make gears turn

Challenge: Make gears turn

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Welcome to PowerPoint Challenges. I've just opened up a blank file here. Your first challenge is to take two gears and make them turn. And if that sounds vague, it's like that on purpose, because I don't want to show you the gears, because I feel like that will be giving away too much. And you have everything that you need that you learned from this course to be able to do this challenge. So you can pause this video, see how you do it, and then when you come back, I'll show you how I'll do it. (upbeat music) Welcome back. Let's take two gears and make them turn. The first thing I'm going to do is change the layout to be a blank layout so we have a nice pallette to work with. And the reason that I didn't want to show you the gears and how I was envisioning this was because it would give away too much. I wanted to see if you would first go to the icon library. Let's do that. I'll change…
