From the course: PowerPoint Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Add speaker notes

Add speaker notes

- [Instructor] Presenting is hard enough as it is without having to remember what we wanted to talk about. If there's something that you really don't want to forget to mention you can use something called speaker notes. You can write notes for each slide or just certain slides that contain something you don't want to forget to say. Underneath each slide is the speaker note area. If you don't see it, click where it says notes at the bottom, it's a toggle to make the area disappear or reappear. And if I hover my mouse over the line I can make this area a little larger also. In this small area you can click inside and add your notes. I could hit the enter key and continue typing as much or as little as I'm going to need. Now that the speaker note is there I don't have to do anything. I can just move around through my presentation and add notes where I see fit. At any time, I can click the word notes again and the notes…
