From the course: PowerPoint Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

Add, remove, and rearrange slides

- [Instructor] Let's add some slides. I'll be adding just some basic text because right now, I'm focusing on how you can manipulate the slides themselves. I'll title this first slide by clicking inside this text placeholder, and titling it, Slide One. I can click once, the placeholder text disappears and I can just start typing. I don't have to hit the enter key. I can just click anywhere outside of this text box to deselect it. You'll notice that it instantly updates this thumbnail view on the left. Also notice that the text of the placeholder below it does not show up in this thumbnail view over here. Placeholder text is only visible in the final presentation when you add your own text. To add a new slide, I can click the icon, new slide, on the home ribbon tab. You'll notice that these placeholder text boxes are a little bit different. PowerPoint will assume that the first slide is going to be the title of your presentation, and the rest of them will be content. I'll click inside this one and call it, Slide Two. If I click new slide again, I'll get an identical slide with text box placeholders in the same spot but I can create a new slide with a different layout by clicking the down arrow next to new slide. I'll choose a different content placeholder. All of these are available for me to use. I'll create a section header. It's going to create the slide with that layout. I'll click and sign the placeholder and call this one, Slide Three. (keyboard clicking) I can also click in between these slides. If I click in between, this orange bar will tell me where this slide will be inserted. If I click new slide again it's going to use the same layout that was in the previous slide above it. I'll call this one, Slide 2.5. (keyboard clicking) Now that we have some slides, I may decide that there's a better order for them. I can click and hold my mouse button, and drag it to a new spot, and let go when I'm happy with it. If you've worked hard on the design of one slide and you need a similar one, but with a slight change, maybe a different color or text, you can duplicate a slide. Right click on that slide and choose, duplicate slide. Now you have an identical one and you can make changes just to that one slide. You can even drag it around and rearrange it like you could with any other slide. If you have a lot of slides, sometimes it's easier to get a bird's eye view of your presentation. On the very bottom right hand side of the screen click the grid icon. This is going to take you into something called, slide sorter view. It's a much larger view of your slides, and from here, you can drag them around, rearrange them, move them anywhere you want. To get back to normal view, click the icon directly to the left of the grid on the bottom of the screen. You may also want to get a larger view of these thumbnail icons here on the left. Hover your mouse over the vertical line, and you can click your mouse and drag it to the right to make them just a little bit bigger. You can even make changes to multiple slides all at once by selecting a slide, holding down the control key, and selecting other slides. If the slides are next to each other in the view you can hold down the shift key and select them all at once. Finally, if you want to discard a slide or multiple slides, you can right click and choose, delete slide. You can also select a single slide and hit the delete key on your keyboard. Now we're back to where we started. I can even remove this text by deleting it. I'll click inside the placeholder, click and drag to delete the text, and click away from the placeholder. The original placeholder gets put back and now we're right back where we were when we started.
