From the course: Power BI Essential Training

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Use the Power BI data hub

Use the Power BI data hub - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Essential Training

Use the Power BI data hub

- [Instructor] When I'm on the home page in Power BI and I scroll down, I see a list of all of the different types of objects I have in Power BI. I have a report here, for example. Scroll down a bit, I have a dashboard. I have semantic models, and semantic models are what we formerly called datasets, although the word dataset has a different use in Fabric, and therefore, we've renamed Power BI datasets semantic models. So this is a mix of all kinds of things that I have, that I can work with. I want to contrast that with the data hub. The data hub has been with us for a while, since Fabric. It's the OneLake data hub, and this allows you to look at really sources of data in your organization. So at across the top, I have some tiles of items that are recommended. I can scroll across. Really at this point, nothing's recommended. These are just my things that I've worked with lately. On the left hand side, I have my Explorer. I have items that I have quick access to, and then everything…
