From the course: Power BI Essential Training

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Set visualization interactions

Set visualization interactions - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Essential Training

Set visualization interactions

- [Instructor] I'm going to return to the original unfiltered retail analysis report that we've been working on in this course. From Home, I can find it on the list. Here's My Retail Analysis. And if I click the star to add it to my Favorites, it will now appear in my Favorites + frequents list, and I can simply click here to open it. And it will open it in reading view. But I'm going to click Edit to drop right in here into the editor. And close my filters pane to have a little more room. The default behavior for Power BI is that if a user selects something in one visual, that's used to filter the other visuals on the same page. But there are times that you want Power BI to act a little differently. For example, I might either want to have a visual that doesn't affect other visualizations on the page, or I might want to change what that interaction looks like. So let me show you how we're going to do this. Let's begin by adding a list of territories to our Category & Buyer list so…
