From the course: Power BI Essential Training

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Set a featured dashboard (users)

Set a featured dashboard (users) - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Essential Training

Set a featured dashboard (users)

- [Instructor] After you've created dashboards for other people and groups, you might consider creating a dashboard that lets you see all of the information that you best need to do your job in one place. Or you could create such a dashboard for your team as a whole or perhaps for your manager. Whatever that dashboard is, once you've created it, you have the ability in Power BI, not just to add it to favorites, where this dashboard already appears, but to make it the default dashboard. And in doing so, each time you open Power BI, this dashboard is what you'll see first, which makes it really, really easy to derive value out of the dashboard. To favorite a dashboard, you simply click add to favorites. To make a dashboard your featured dashboard, you go to settings, scroll down, and note where it says, "Promote this dashboard in the featured section on home," you just click, and that is now a featured dashboard for you. Note that, if you don't want your users to add comments, as I…
