From the course: Power BI Essential Training

Get existing content from an app - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Essential Training

Get existing content from an app

- [Gini] Whether I want to use an app that was created by someone in my organization, or an app from an online service, I begin by clicking the Apps button in the navigation pane. I'll see the apps that I already have loaded into Power BI, and if I have a number of them, notice that I can filter them. I can also search if I wish, but I only have a couple, they're easier to see, and I'm going to click Get apps, to be able to view other apps that are available to me. The number of apps that you see may be limited by your organization, because your organization gets to curate the apps that they would like you to have access to. Here we have All apps that are available, Organizational apps, and an older style of app that is called a Template app. You can click on All apps and Search. You can also browse here if you wish, there are lots of apps. Some of them cost money, some of them are free. And the app that I want to look for is an app that is about the US Census, so I'm going to enter census, and here is our Census Data Map. It has two reviews, three stars out of five. I'm going to click to load information about this application. On the left-hand side, I noticed that this is a free app. You can read the developer's information. You'll see, for example, you'll see dashboards, reports, different options that they would like you to know about. Ratings and reviews are on a second tab. And if I decide I want to get this application, I simply click Get It Now. I need to confirm my details. In this case, this is how I am logged in. Note that I'm giving Microsoft permission to share or use some account information with the provider, Attadale Partners. Click, Get It Now again, and now Power BI is going to ask me the same question. Power BI says, "Do you really want to install this?" Because I was for a moment there in the App store, and now I'm back in Power BI, and I'm going to give permission to install. There's a banner that says this may take a little while, but this isn't a large app and it won't take that long. The app is added to my list of apps. Also noting when I downloaded this app, what version it was, and there was a banner here for a moment that said, go to the app. I didn't click on it while it was still there. There's Edit and Delete are my options, and if I want to Favorite this app, I would click right here, so that it's added to my Favorites list. I'm going to click the app title, which is a hyperlink, to load this application. This is how this app presents. At the top it says you're viewing this app with sample data. If you want to connect your own data source, there's a link that helps you to do that. On the left-hand side is the navigation. This is State Data, and then this is simply a Tooltip, but it looks like State Data is where we would like to spend our time. And we could work with this application if we wish. Now, if you have a few minutes, this is a really good time to browse the apps that are available. You can filter them by Apps. Remember how we got there. I'm going to click the Go Back button to return to the Apps page, and click Get apps to have access to all of the apps that your organization allows you to see. But if you were looking, for example, for sales applications, you, in Power BI, you could click, enter sales, and see a lot of different resources for sales applications. If you find some apps here that you might be interested in using in the future, this is a great time to note them, because you might forget to come back here. If you want to use the personal notebook set up in LinkedIn Learning, if you go to the Overview page for the course, between the Q&A tab and the Transcript tab, you will find a Notebook tab, and that is for your personal notes for this course.
