From the course: Power BI Essential Training

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Embed a report in SharePoint Online

Embed a report in SharePoint Online - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Essential Training

Embed a report in SharePoint Online

- [Instructor] My organization uses SharePoint, and I'd like to show you how I'm going to share a report from Power BI to SharePoint. I begin by choosing File, Embed in SharePoint Online, and I'm doing this to get this link. If you'd like to know more about how to embed reports in SharePoint, you can click Learn more here to learn more. But I have my link. I'm going to copy it and Close. And now I'm going to go to SharePoint, choose the site where I want to post this, which is our Sales site. I'm going to create a New Page, a Blank page, and I'm going to drop down to this first empty section. I'll come back and add titles and everything else. But right here I have a choice to add a new web part in column one, which is basically the width of the page and scroll down past Frequently used, and Text, media, and content, Feeds and so on. And under Data analysis, you will see Power BI. Click to display a Power BI report. And the Power BI report container will be added here. Click Add…
