From the course: Power BI Essential Training

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Data storytelling in PowerPoint

Data storytelling in PowerPoint - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Essential Training

Data storytelling in PowerPoint

- [Instructor] We can also add live data, a live data page to PowerPoint from here in Power BI, and this is the front edge of something that is described as data storytelling from Power BI in PowerPoint. This is a feature that is brand new, still in preview. You may not have access to it yet, but let me show you how it works because it's pretty compelling. I have three ways that I can provide a link back to this page of the report. One is to use the URL from the address bar. I'm going to discourage using the URL because it doesn't give us as many options as our other two methods. Our second method is to use the share dialog. And even though we haven't talked about sharing yet, you may be familiar with this sharing dialog from other Microsoft applications. So here you can actually set some security that is independent of the security that will be provided by Power BI. So if you don't want people to be able to share it, you can turn that off here. If you want people with existing access…
