From the course: Power BI Essential Training

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Create a workspace for collaboration

Create a workspace for collaboration - Power BI Tutorial

From the course: Power BI Essential Training

Create a workspace for collaboration

- [Narrator] Workspaces take sharing to a whole new level. They're a great way to share reports, dashboards, and other PowerBI artifacts. But in a workspace, this is generally all about collaboration. Not only can people view the dashboards and reports you're creating, they can work with you. You can build reports and dashboards together. To create a new workspace, go to Workspaces, and at the bottom, click the Create a Workspace Link. You'll want to enter a name for the workspace, and this workspace is for the sales analytics team. So I'm simply going to call it sales analytics. Describe this workspace. You have about 200 characters here, so I'm going to note this. This is a collaboration space for the sales analytics team. Note that PowerBI tells me this workspace name is available. No one else is using it. If you'd like to know more about workspace settings, you can click here. If you'd like to add a workspace image, you can, if you wish, it needs to be small, less than 45…
