From the course: Power BI Essential Training

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Create a new data set

Create a new data set

- [Instructor] Creating a new data set on the fly is really pretty easy. What we're going to do is click the Create button and then choose the tile with the first option, "Paste or manually enter data." Now, I think pasting is a great idea, and manually entering very much data is a bad idea. So we're going to use some data that already exists. I'm going to go to my OneDrive for Business, to my exercise files, choose that I want the folder. And if you go into the Chapter 02 files, you're going to find a Word document called Lead List, and I'm going to open that document. Now, nobody would recommend Word as a data store. However, there's a plethora of tabular business data that's stored in tables in Microsoft Word, and it's the only place that it lives. That happened because there were people who were great Word users who weren't Excel users or weren't Access users. So they simply dumped their tabular data into Word. And that's totally inaccessible from Power BI, unless we go through…
