From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Use My Day and notifications

Use My Day and notifications

- [Instructor] Outlook has a great feature called My Day. Now I know over this course I keep saying that every feature is my favorite, but this one might really be my favorite. In fact, I saved it for last for a reason. At the very top right hand side of the screen, click this My Day calendar icon. It's going to pop up a mini calendar right in your Outlook. Now, you can leave this open, you don't have to close it while you're going through and checking email, you can always see what's on your day at any given time. In fact, you can go through this calendar picker and change these dates to see further into your week. It's completely up to you. You can scroll down, see what's on your day. You can even click New Event and create a new calendar event right from here. If I click the three dots under More Actions, I can switch the view to day view. If I just want to see what's going on in the current day after that, I can even…
