From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Use categories to visually organize

Use categories to visually organize - Outlook Tutorial

From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

Use categories to visually organize

- [Instructor] If you like to visually label your items, you will love categories. You can assign a category to calendar items, to-do items, even mail. The easiest way to get started is to right-click an event in your calendar, hover your mouse over Categorize, and you'll see all the default categories that come with Outlook. We're going to change these. I'll get into it by clicking Manage Categories. You can see all the categories here. You can either delete them by clicking the trashcan icon, edit them by clicking the pencil icon, or you can create a brand new one if you run out of categories. I'm going to start by editing the blue category. I'll give it a name. I'll call this one Social. I can leave it as blue. And now, I'll edit the green category. I'll call this one Desk Time. We will do this a few more times. Red category, I'll make this Techfest. And one more, purple category for personal events, I am…
