From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Search mail

Search mail

- [Instructor] It's easy to find the message you're looking for in Outlook. Right at the very top of the screen is the search bar, and the easiest and quickest way to find a message is to click inside, start typing and hit the Enter key. My search is performed. The word is highlighted both in the message pane and if it occurs in the email itself. You can type as much or as little as you know you're looking for. In fact, you can also keep adding onto this search. Once you've found the email that you're looking for, you can click on it and to close out of the search bar, click the arrow to the left of your query. At any time, you can make more refinements to your search. Let's do the same search one more time. I'll hit Enter and this time, note that right above the message pane, you have some buttons. These are filters. For example, you can search for messages that you know have attachments. Now, the only things that are…
