From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Process messages with mail rules

Process messages with mail rules

- [Instructor] Unlike Quick Steps, which are triggered manually by you, mail rules are a set of filters that act on your incoming mail automatically based on the set of rules that you specified. Let's create a simple rule to move this Microsoft Veeva email into a folder called Veeva Digest that I've already created. On the Home Ribbon tab, click the three dots all the way at the end. Hover your mouse over rules, and we've already done the create rule button, which will automatically have the recipient of the selected message be based on that rule. So we're going to start over. We're going to go into manage rules and create our own from scratch. To get started, click add new rule, and we first need to give it a name. I'll call this one Veeva Digest. We then need to select our condition, because remember, this is going to act on any incoming mail that meets that condition, and you can have more than one condition.…
