From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Organize mail into folders and favorites

Organize mail into folders and favorites - Outlook Tutorial

From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

Organize mail into folders and favorites

- [Instructor] If you like to file your mail out of the inbox, you can file them into subfolders. To create a folder, right click on the inbox, and choose Create New Subfolder. Type a name, and then hit the Enter key. The folder is created right below the inbox. If you find that you can't find your folders, you may need to click on this triangle to expand it so it can be seen. To move mail into the folder, the easiest way is to drag and drop. Drag that conversation into the folder, and let go when it's right over it. I can also create subfolders in the same way. I can right click on the folder that I just created, in addition to renaming it and deleting it, I can also click to create a new subfolder. Now I can give this one a name. Let's say I want Leslie to have her very own folder. There's my subfolder, and now I can add mail to it in the exact same way, dragging and dropping. Now I have things in the Leslie…
