From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Highlight text for faster actions

Highlight text for faster actions

- [Instructor] Something really fun and new that you can do with Outlook now is highlight text to bring up a context menu of action items that you can do with that text. Here's a long email. It contains Red 30's address. Now this is something that I use quite frequently and I keep this email in my inbox. I'd like my eye to go very quickly to that address, so I know where to find it. I'm going to click and drag and highlight this block of text. In the context menu that appears, I'm going to choose highlight. It's now going to highlight that text, and you'll notice that if I click away from the email and come back to it, it's still highlighted. That way, I can always immediately find that text. If I want to remove the highlight, I can click once on it, and then choose the trash can to click remove highlight. Let's try this again. Here's an email from Jenny saying that she wants to send Simon a thank you gift. I'm…
