From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Flag, snooze, and pin messages

Flag, snooze, and pin messages

- [Instructor] Outlook gives me several tools to organize my mail in the inbox. The first thing that I could do is hover my mouse over an email. This one contains a particular action item. I have to do something with this and I don't want to forget about it. If I hover my mouse over it, some icons appear. The first one is to market as unread, so if I click that button, it's going to toggle the email to unread, meaning I can see it quickly in the view. That works for some people. Maybe it works for you. You can always click on it again to mark it as unread. The second thing I can do is click the push pin icon, which is going to pin it to the very top of the inbox, and it's going to stay there until I unpin it. Now the nice thing is you can pin multiple emails. For example, this one contains an action item also, so I might want to pin that one so I don't forget to do it, and now I have my to-do list at the top of the screen.…
