From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Customize the Ribbon

Customize the Ribbon

- [Narrator] In Outlook, you can customize everything, including this ribbon. If you find that there's options that you just never use, or if you find yourself saying, "Oh, I really wish this option was here, "and it would make things so much easier," you can probably add it. All the way on the right-hand side, click the three dots next to More Options and then choose Customize. This is going to take you into the screen to customize the ribbon. Now, right now we're customizing mail. But in future videos, just know that this does apply to the calendar and people and contacts as well. So up at the top we can see the current way that the ribbon is currently set up. In fact, it's grouped. For example, this is the Move and Delete section. If I move over, this is the group of all the ways that we can respond to emails, and further over this is the way that we can tag and organize emails. You get the idea. So everything…
