From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Create and assign To Dos

Create and assign To Dos

- [Instructor] Outlook comes with a built-in mechanism for handling all your to-do lists and it's actually called to-do. Click the to-do icon on the left hand side and it's going to open up a web browser and bring you into Microsoft to-do. This is a really powerful little app that does a lot. You have a basic task section in which you can just add tasks and check them off when they're done. If I click on that task, I can add a step, which is fantastic. A lot of tasks have subtasks. For example, to create events on nonprofit calendars. First I might need to meet about those events and then I can hit enter and keep going. I can choose to add it to my day and I'll show you about that in a bit. I can add due dates, I can make it repeating. I can even pick a category. And as you can see, we had selected these categories before in a previous video. I can add files and even more notes about that event. On the left hand side is…
