From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Change the look of the calendar

Change the look of the calendar

- [Instructor] Let's go over customizing the calendar to make it work for you. You can access the calendar in Outlook by clicking the Calendar icon on the left-hand side of the screen. I'm also going to click the three horizontal lines to open up our Navigation pane. We're very used to seeing that. You can see all of your appointments directly here in the middle of the screen, and this Date Picker on the left. That's why I wanted to open it. You can click inside the Date Picker to go to any date. From the Home ribbon tab, I can click to choose how my calendar is arranged. Yours most likely defaults to Week View, meaning Sunday through Saturday. But you can change this. I can put it into a Workweek View, which right now is Monday through Friday only. And I will show you in a future video how you can change what your workweek days are. Day gives me an overview of the current day. And this is a classic example of how…
