From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Chair a meeting

Chair a meeting

- [Instructor] When you call a meeting to order, you want to be prepared with who's coming and who can't make it. You also might want to make changes to the agenda or even call off the meeting entirely. We can go into our meeting by single clicking on it from the calendar view. From here, I can see that one person has accepted and two people haven't responded yet. If I go into edit the event, we can find out who they are. The first thing I'll do is click Tracking to see who's responded and who hasn't responded yet. And don't forget, Devon's optional. I can close out of this. And I might want to send them an email. From here, I can click the Reply All button. This is going to open up a brand new email. It does include the details of my meeting in here. I can pop off a quick message. I'll click Send. And off it goes. I'll double click to get back into my meeting. And something else that I might want to do is…
