From the course: Outlook Essential Training (Microsoft 365)

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Add and remove accounts

Add and remove accounts

- [Instructor] Most likely your network administrator had already added your Outlook account for you when you launched Outlook. If not, when you start Outlook for the first time with nothing, you're prompted to add your email address anyway, but you can add an additional email account at any time. The first way to do that is by clicking the three lines to show the navigation pane, and all the way at the bottom of the screen. You can click add account, but I'm going to show you a different way just in case you ever want to also remove an account. We're going to click this gear icon on the top right hand side to get into your Outlook settings. On the left hand side, click accounts, and then email accounts here in the middle. And here's where you can see the current email account that you have associated with Outlook. I'll click Manage to get into this screen. And from here, if I did want to get rid of it, I can just click…
