From the course: Microsoft Teams: Successful Meetings, Webinars and Events

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Webinar basics

Webinar basics

- [Instructor] Webinars are a newer type of meeting that we can hold inside of Microsoft Teams. With a webinar, you're going to schedule that in advance, usually promote it using social media because you want to attract a large number of attendees presumably. Those potential attendees will register using a form, and we created a registration form earlier in this course, in chapter four if you need to go back and look at that. After someone has successfully registered by completing the form, they will receive an email with a link that will allow them to attend the event. They can join the webinar as they would any Team meeting. They can use their computer, but they can also use their mobile device. And during the webinar, the experience for attendees will be that they will be held in the lobby until you admit them. If you have open registration, automatically the audio and video for attendees will be turned off by default and…
