From the course: Microsoft Teams Essential Training

Make a team from a template or an existing team

From the course: Microsoft Teams Essential Training

Make a team from a template or an existing team

- [Instructor] This chapter will show some of the additional options that are available to people who need to make and manage teams. If you never need to make a team, if you're only going to join and participate in teams that other people have made, then you probably don't need the videos in this chapter. In this video, we'll start by seeing how you can use an existing team or a pre-made template to create a new team. Before we start, I want to point out I have this team for the web designers in my company. It's a private team, and it has a few channels for the various discussions we want for the employees in this department. We can use this as a starting point to make more teams for other departments. We'll start with the normal process of making a new team. I'll click the plus button at the top, then choose Create team. Earlier in this course we saw how to make a basic team, but in this case, I want to click where it says More create team options. If you choose from template on the left, you'll see several pre-made templates you can choose from for different established uses. I'll choose one of these. And these templates are configured with channels and pre-installed apps that are useful for a given purpose. If I did need a team to manage employee onboarding, it may help to start with this template. You can always add or remove channels or apps later. If you click Use this template, then you can go through the rest of the process to name the team, create it, and add members to it. But for now, I'm just going to cancel this, because I want to see another option on the left: creating a team from another team. From here, you can choose one of your existing teams to use as a template. I'll select the web designers team. I want to set up teams for other departments and reuse the configuration that I've already done when I set up the web designer team. So first, I'll go to the field for the team name, and I'll give this a name. I'll set this one up for the marketing department. Then we can look at the settings that we may or may not want to copy over. This original team is set as a private team. I could change that if I want, but that is a setting that I want to keep. By default, all of the channels that exist in the original team will be recreated in the new team. Now, I can always delete or add new channels later. And obviously, this setup is not ideal for a marketing team, but I just wanted you to see how this works. So I'm going to keep all of the settings and all of the tabs and apps from the original team. I do not want to copy over all of the members, so I'll leave that unchecked. But that's something that you might want to enable. Just make sure you pay attention to the option and think about what you need. This all looks good. So I'll click Create. I could add people to this team, but for now, I'm going to skip that. I could add them later. And now on my list of teams, I have this new team for the marketing department, which has all of the same settings and channels as the web designers team. None of the messages copy over, of course, just the settings that we saw. Okay, let's look at one more option when creating a team. I'll click the plus button up at the top, then choose Create team. Then go to More create team options. And if you already have a group in Outlook or SharePoint before you started working in Teams, you may want to keep that existing group and link it to a new team. And that's what we can do by choosing From group over on the left. This shows a list of all of your groups in Outlook or SharePoint that are not already connected to a team in Teams. I only have one, and it's an important group of people I communicate with In Outlook. I could select that here and create a new team from that group. The new team would have all of the same members as the original group. So when members of that Outlook group start using Teams, they will already be a member of that team and they will see it on their list. So those are just a few extra ways to make a new team using an existing team or a group as a starting point.
