From the course: Microsoft Teams Essential Training

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Join a team in Teams

Join a team in Teams

- [Instructor] The core part of working in Microsoft Teams is communicating with groups of people, and those groups are called teams. Some people will create their own teams and we'll see how to do that in another video. But most people will simply join existing teams that other people have created. In the sidebar on the left, I'm going to click the Teams button, and that will switch you to the teams category if you're not already there. Now we're seeing this in the full business version of Teams, but we'll look at a few small differences in the education version at the end of this video. Here in the teams category, there is this column where you will see a list of all of the teams that you are a member of. Now, I haven't joined any teams yet, so this list is empty for me. If somebody else in your company creates a team and adds you as a member, then you'll just be a member of that team and the team will show up here on…
