From the course: Machine Learning Foundations: Linear Algebra

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Types of matrices

Types of matrices

- [Instructor] Matrices can come in different shapes and sizes. And there are many types of matrices that usually have their names according to the key properties or people who categorize them. We are going to learn seven different types of matrices that are most useful. Rectangular, square, zero, identity, diagonal, and triangular. Rectangular matrix is a matrix that has a different number of rows and columns. It's m by n matrix, where m is the number of rows and n is the number of columns. A special case of rectangular matrix is called a square matrix. As its name suggests, it has the same number of rows and columns. We usually denote it as m by m matrix. The next type of matrix is a symmetric matrix. Symmetric matrix is a special type of square matrix that has elements mirrored across the diagonal, as you can see in our example. All the corresponding mirrored elements are the same. Zero matrix is the matrix…
