From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

Use SnowflakeDB cloud tools - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

Use SnowflakeDB cloud tools

- [Instructor] So to get us started actually working with Snowflake DB, we need to understand what tools we can use. For this course, I'm going to be using mostly the web UI or the console. Now, as I record this course there are two different consoles. So we'll be switching back and forth between the consoles, and I believe that that is done because it looks like Snowflake DB is adding more capabilities around those edge cases, the ingest and the visualization and all that, like coming in and going out of the engine. But you'll see what I mean when I show you the console here in just a minute or the consoles. There is a command line interface it's called SnowSQL. It's Python-based, and that's for scripting. As with any cloud service in production, you would want to use the web UI when you are learning but you want to script, and have all of your SQL scripts and all of your ETL processes checked into source control, when you're in production. There is also Snowpipe, which supports streaming ingest. There are drivers and software development kits for of the major languages such as you know Java and Go, and so on and so forth. There are also Snowpark APIs currently for AWS only. I'm sure it'll be for the other clouds shortly. And then there are a number of partner connections. We may take a look at some of those. Because again, from the real-world, that's something that I actually do quite frequently but we'll be mostly in the web UI console because of the time for this course. Although in the real world, you'd probably be using SnowSQL quite a lot as well. Now for you to get started, I've already done this step. I really recommend that you set up a dedicated account, and Snowflake DB has a 30 day free trial, and this is what the sign up screen looks like. You don't have to give 'em a credit card or anything. It's $400 US in credits. At the end of 30 days, it does shut off though automatically. So you can't do you know anything other than learning. I do recommend that you select the enterprise even though the credits cost a little bit more because you can see some of the features that I think are compelling. Some things I mentioned, time, travel, multi cluster warehouses and materialized views. I don't think that you really need the business critical for learning, unless you want to try that out. Again, I recommend that you try on Amazon because all the features are there first, at least of the time of this recording. But again, I will tell you that this will be shut off after 30 days. You can upgrade it by giving them a credit card. But if you do that, make sure you put controls on. So that being said, let's take a quick look. I've already signed up, and you do get sample database by default in this free trial addition, which is handy 'cuz you can just jump in and start looking at the sample databases. Actually there's several. In addition of that, I've also added some other sample data. So yours might not look exactly like mine. So here we are in the main Snowflake DB consults called I think the Legacy Consult, which is a little bit strange, and you can see that I am in the databases section, and I have the Snowflake sample data. I have snowflake data, and then I just pulled in this COVID-19 data, which I'll show you how to do in a subsequent movie. So you probably wouldn't have that. And then you have various capabilities here. So shares, data, marketplace, warehouses. So on and so forth. And you can see that I am the account admin. You can see this is running on Amazon Web Services in US East. Now, we have this icon for Snow site, and I've already clicked it but basically it's relatively new. So they're saying here we've added new features not available in classic including full account search. SQL auto complete. Chart visualization, usage dashboards and more. So I'm going to record showing both interfaces. I don't know. I don't work for Snowflake DB if this is what's eventually going to become the default, but I'm just going to switch back and forth. So here we can see that we are in US East in Amazon Web Services. We'll have enterprise. Here we can see my credentials, and our objects are listed here, and they're a little bit different. And we can switch back and forth between the classic console here. One thing to note, is we start with worksheets here, which are SQL statements. And on the classic console, we start with databases, which is your storage area. So it's kind of interesting, the switch there. Worksheets would be on the query or the compute layer, which would be on you know worksheets here, whereas worksheets here is what it starts with and the data is in here. So it's just a slightly different, but I mean, this is the interface that's presented. So this is what we're going to be working with throughout this course.
