From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

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Scenario: Design and build solutions with SnowflakeDB

Scenario: Design and build solutions with SnowflakeDB - Snowflake Tutorial

From the course: Learning SnowflakeDB

Scenario: Design and build solutions with SnowflakeDB

- [Narrator] To kind of end out our discussion of architectures and patterns, I'm going to return to Snowflake's pattern section, and just go through one so you can kind of understand how much information we have here. So this is Ingestion. So micro-batches, which is a really common use case. And, again, very concise, nine pages long. So talks about Ingestion patterns. And this is a paper in a series. And this is talking about how to use the Snowpipe and Snowpipe architecture. And it tells you when to use it, so supported in all three clouds. Then it tells you in what circumstances to use it here. So if you have to have the information come in order then you cannot use it. You'd have to use something like Kafka. And it has to be a situation where you don't require synchronous callback. So confirmations, updates to the source data is appended rather than updates to existing files. If you wish to perform simple transforms…
