From the course: Learning Python

What you should know - Python Tutorial

From the course: Learning Python

What you should know

- [Instructor] Before we get started, there are some concepts that you should already be familiar with in order to get the most value out of this course. This course is designed to quickly get you up and running with the Python programming language. It is not intended to be a general introduction to the fundamentals of programming itself. You should already be familiar with the basic principles of programming, such as variables, functions, statements, and so on. If you're not familiar with these concepts, I suggest you watch Foundations of Programming Fundamentals before taking this course. It does a great job of introducing the fundamentals of programming. If you have prior experience with other programming languages like JavaScript, that will also be very helpful. And it's okay if you don't, you will still be able to benefit from the course. But JavaScript has some language features that are kind of similar to the things we'll run into in Python, so having some knowledge of JavaScript will help, but again, not required. You should also know how to use some common programming tools, like your operating system's terminal program and a text editor or an integrated development environment. If you need to brush up on using an IDE or text editor, consider watching Learning Visual Studio Code, which is the editor I'll be using in this course. Once you feel comfortable with these concepts, you can go ahead and get started.
