From the course: Learning Python

Installing Python on Windows - Python Tutorial

From the course: Learning Python

Installing Python on Windows

- [Instructor] Let's begin by making sure that Python is properly installed and configured on your computer. So here on my machine, I'm going to open a terminal window, and then in the terminal window, I'm going to type py. I could also just type the word Python by itself, but I'm going to type py --version, and hit the enter key. And you can see that I'm using Python 3.9 on my computer. Now, if you're on Windows and you didn't get a result that looks like this, the word Python followed by a version number, then you probably got some kind of error message or the version number you have is less than 3.9. So in either case, that means you need to install the latest version of Python on your machine. So let's go over to the Python website. This is the Python website, located at And I'm going to go ahead and click on the Downloads area right here, right? And you can see that there's a link to download the latest version, which is the 3.X series. And for this course, you should use at least 3.9. And you can also see that the Downloads page defaults to the version for my operating system, which in this case is Windows, and there are download links provided for a variety of other OS's. Now I've already done this for my machine, so if you need to, go ahead and download and then run the installer by clicking on this button right here. It's a very simple process and it should take only a few minutes to complete. And then go back and try that terminal test again that we did earlier to make sure that everything worked. That's pretty much all you need to do. So once you've got Python installed, you are ready to continue.
