From the course: Learning Python

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Installing Python on Mac

Installing Python on Mac - Python Tutorial

From the course: Learning Python

Installing Python on Mac

- [Instructor] Installing Python on the Mac is pretty much the same as installing it on Windows. Now, the good news is if you're watching this on a Mac or Linux machine, chances are, you've already got Python installed on your system, but it might not be the most recent version. The Mac ships with Python as does many versions of Linux. So you might already be good to go, but you can make sure you have the right version by following along with me. So here on my machine, I've opened a terminal window and if you're on a Mac or Linux computer, then just use the terminal program that came with your system. So I'm going to type python3. And this is important, if you're on a Mac or Linux, you'll probably need to type python3 instead of just python by itself, or pi because pi only works on Windows. So type python3. And the reason is because some systems come with both the older Python 2 as well as the newer Python 3…
