From the course: Learning Microsoft 365 (Office 365)

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Use desktop apps with Microsoft 365

Use desktop apps with Microsoft 365

- [Instructor] If you've been following along, you may recall that many of the Microsoft 365 subscription plans include the ability to download and install desktop versions of the Microsoft Office apps. If you're logged into your account, and you see an Install Office button here in the top right-hand corner, this is where you'd go to download and install those Office apps. Now when you go to use the full-blown versions of Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and so on, it doesn't mean you give up the ability to share and collaborate in the cloud. You'll still have access to your OneDrive, for example, and you'll be able to share from those apps, and that's what we're going to explore in this movie. We'll start here on the home screen in Microsoft 365, and go to one of the files we've been working on. If you have one down below, under Quick Access, go ahead and select it. I'm going with a Word document I started working on…
