From the course: Learning Microsoft 365 (Office 365)

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Navigate from app to app

Navigate from app to app

- When you sign in to your Microsoft 365 account and start working with the applications you see down the left-hand side or from the app launcher you'll be working with the online versions of those apps right here in your browser, which makes it very easy to navigate the different apps you're working with and those files you might be working with inside those apps. That's what we're going to explore in this movie. So here from the home screen we'll start by launching an Excel spreadsheet. Let's say we wanted to create one. We can go down here to Excel, click go to Excel, which takes us to the Excel section here of our Microsoft 365 homepage where we can start a brand new workbook by clicking new blank workbook. If you're following along, go ahead. You can see a brand new tab open up in your browser, which means now we can start working on our spreadsheet here in the online version of Microsoft Excel. And if you also wanted to…
