From the course: Learning Java 11

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Exploring an integrated development environment (IDE)

Exploring an integrated development environment (IDE) - Java Tutorial

From the course: Learning Java 11

Exploring an integrated development environment (IDE)

- [Instructor] Over time, programs get larger and larger. And although you can compile and run Java programs with the terminal, it's often faster to use an IDE. IDE stands for integrated development environment and an assembly of software that we can use to build and run our Java programs, just like the command line. The main difference is that this tool is built specifically for building and executing code and has a lot of built-in features specifically for that purpose. It also has a GUI, or a graphical user interface, meaning we won't have to type in commands. We can just click a button for our code to build and run. Ultimately, just like we use Photoshop to edit photos, we can use a special software, an IDE, to edit and run our code. There are many different IDEs, or integrated development environments, that you can write code with, but in this course, we'll be using IntelliJ, which is made by a company called…
