From the course: Learning Java 11

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Data types and variables in Java

Data types and variables in Java - Java Tutorial

From the course: Learning Java 11

Data types and variables in Java

- [Narrator] Let's create some data in Java. In this lesson, we'll be creating a few pieces of data that could represent attributes of a given high school student. Our program will have representations for a students age, GPA, first initial, last initial, as well as if the student has had perfect attendance so far this year. Before we get to the code, let's assign a Java data type to each of these pieces of data. As we mentioned in the last video, an age could be represented in Java with either an int or a double depending on how exact we want to be. In this case, we'll be using an int to represent the age. Potential values for a students GPA could be 3.4 or 2.7 or 4.0. These are all decimal values, so the data type for a students GPA would be double. A students first initial and last initial are each a single character, so both of these would be represented by the data type char. A student can either have perfect attendance…
