From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Challenge intro: Create an event listener

Challenge intro: Create an event listener - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

Challenge intro: Create an event listener

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] When a JavaScript application has interactive elements like buttons, or scroll events, or similar features, they're typically triggered using event listeners. In this challenge, you'll add event listeners to a list of form elements to allow the user to update fields in the document. Now the testing platform we're using doesn't have support to display the visible browser. So instead, I've created this sketch to show you what the DOM creates and this is the DOM you'll be working against. So on the webpage there are four pieces of information, name, description, color, and volume. And for each of these items there is the text itself and then there's an input field to update information and an update button. Your challenge is to set up the code so that if someone fills in any one of these fields and clicks on the update button for that field, the text updates as well, but only for that field.…
