From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Making sense of a React component

Making sense of a React component - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

Making sense of a React component

- [Instructor] At the very beginning of the course, I said for a lot of people today, their first interaction with JavaScript is through a JavaScript Framework like React or Vue and I said, if you understand the fundamentals of JavaScript itself, you'll be able to understand what is going on inside a JavaScript Framework like React even if you don't know the framework or the framework specific language. We started out by looking at this React component and now that we're at the end of the course we can revisit the same component to see what is going on so that you can see how all the things you've learned, apply to React as well. Off the top, the component imports two items, React from react and PropTypes from prop-types. You now know what this means, it means somewhere else in the project sits something called react and something called prop-types and we're just importing it into this component so that we can use…
