From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

How to use the exercise files - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

How to use the exercise files

- [Instructor] The exercise files for this course are available from GitHub. You can download the entire batch of exercise files from the GitHub repository for this course. The setup of the files is a bit different from other courses to allow you to jump in and out of any movie, to look at the before and after states, to look at a previous movie and copy code from it into a new movie, and so on. All the exercise files are packaged in a single folder and all the different movies are sorted by chapter and movie name. That way, when you look at a folder named 02 02, that folder holds the starting point for the exercise files from chapter two, movie two. If you find a combination like this one here with 03 08 and 03 08E, it means you start at 03 08 at the start of the movie and 03 08E is the end result of the code I'm writing in the movie. So you can then do a comparison between the starting point and the end point. The course also features practice assignments spread throughout the different chapters. All the exercise files for the practice assignments can be found in the practice folder. These assignments were specifically created for you to play around and experiment with. So I encourage you to take advantage of each of them to solidify your learning and understanding as you move through the course. I've added a PDF document to the exercise files as well. You'll find it in the main folder. This PDF contains links to all the documentation I refer to throughout the course, movie by movie, to make it easy for you to check out the reference material as we move through the course. Finally, in many of the exercise files you'll find a link to the documentation or a code reference for the specific subject covered in that movie. For example, in this movie, we are looking at how to use object constructors, and here's a link to the JavaScript reference for the new operator. This link will sit in a comment at the top of the JavaScript file. And if you want to learn more about what's happening in that particular movie you can follow the link and find the code example to documentation and everything else from the MDN Web Docs which is the official source for JavaScript documentation.
