From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Data types

Data types

- [Instructor] Now that we know how to declare different types of variables. The next question is what can be put inside those variables? In JavaScript, the answer is pretty much anything. JavaScript is a weekly typed language meaning you don't have to declare what type of data goes into your variables you just fill the variable with whatever data you want and then JavaScript will identify or at least try to identify that data type for you. In the exercise files for this movie you'll find almost all of the data types you can use in a variable. Here we have first a string it's defined by using quotation marks at the beginning and end wrapping around the string. Then we have an integer this is just a number without quotation marks. We also have a floating point number so that's a number with a decimal to it. The reason why it's called a floating point is you can imagine a number and then you float a points in between the…
