From the course: ISTQB Foundation Cert Prep

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Black-box techniques

Black-box techniques

- [Instructor] Black-box testing can include some of the following types of testing. Equivalence partitioning. This divides data into partitions in such a way that all of the members of a given partition are expected to be processed in the same way. There are equivalent partitions for both valid and invalid values. Any partition may also be divided up into subpartitions if required. Each value tested must belong to one and only one equivalent partition. Boundary value analysis or BVA is an extension of equivalence partitioning, but can only be used when the petition created is ordered consisting of numeric or sequential data, the minimum and maximum values of a partition or its boundary values. For example, suppose an input field accepts a single integer only value as an input. The valid range is from one to five inclusive. So there are three equivalent partitions, invalid, too low, valid and invalid, too high.…
