From the course: iOS 17: iPhone and iPad Essential Training

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Emergency SOS

Emergency SOS

- [Instructor] iOS includes an emergency feature called Emergency SOS which gives you the ability to quickly contact 911 or the equivalent emergency service in your country. On an iPhone 8 or later, you do this by pressing and holding the side button and then one of the volume buttons. On an iPhone 7 or earlier, press the side or top button five times in a row. And on the screen that appears you can slide the SOS button to the right to automatically call emergency services. So in a scenario where you feel threatened or have a genuine emergency, you have a way to quickly call 911 and get help. But this still requires two steps, pressing and holding the side button and the volume button and then sliding the SOS button across the screen. If you feel like you might be in a situation where you'll want to call 911 a little faster you can customize your settings. I'll tap cancel and go back into my phone. And here we'll go…
