From the course: Introduction to Web APIs

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Work with objects

Work with objects

- [Instructor] Working with JSON data means working with objects. Object oriented programming really dominates most of programming for the web and it's a huge topic. We're just barely going to touch on it now. We're going to cover just enough so that you're able to work with APIs and JSON. What is an object? Well, often the answer you'll get is everything. Everything in programming is an object. Well, while that might be kind of true, I've never found that answer to be very helpful. I found it's helpful to think about objects in programming like objects in real life. Real objects have properties associated with them. Take a car. A car has properties associated with it, like make model year, weight, color, et cetera. Objects also have actions associated with them. Again, with a car, it has actions associated with it, like accelerate, stop, turn, honk, et cetera. Here's an example of what the code would look like if we…
