From the course: Introduction to Web APIs

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What is JSON?

What is JSON?

- [Instructor] So our goal with making a get request is that we want to get some data back as a response. So what data will we get? What is that data going to look like? What format will that data be in? There are really two main data formats you'll see: XML and JSON. XML used to be the most popular format, but now JSON definitely dominates the web, and that's the format we'll be working with. JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation, and this is one of the reasons it's so handy to use. JSON formats the data like an object in JavaScript. So it can be easily used in your web projects like using any other JavaScript object. If you're not familiar with working with objects, don't worry. We're going to do a basic overview a bit later that'll provide you with all you need to work with it for our purposes. Let's look at the syntax for JSON. The real key with JSON is that it's made up of key value pairs. The key is like a…
