From the course: Introduction to Web APIs

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Challenge: Display data on a webpage

Challenge: Display data on a webpage - REST Tutorial

From the course: Introduction to Web APIs

Challenge: Display data on a webpage

(bright music) - [Instructor] Okay, hopefully you've enjoyed working with H+ Sport's API and feel like you've been learning a lot and getting more comfortable. Now it's time for a challenge. This should give you an opportunity to play around with the API a little bit on your own and then the next video I'll show you how I would approach this. So for this one, we want to add an extra piece of information. Now let's add the price of each product to the page. And then, in addition to that, right now we have the products ordered by their name, let's change that so we order the products by price. Okay, have fun, best of luck, and then check out the next video, and we'll walk through it together.
