From the course: How to Put a Customer On Hold: A Business English Primer

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Roleplay: Do you mind holding?

Roleplay: Do you mind holding?

- [Lindsay] Let's break into a role play and show our listeners how it's done. Shall we do it? - [Aubrey] Yeah. Perfect. So in this role play, Lindsay, you have called a car dealership and I work there, and I'm going to answer the phone. So I'll start us out. Ready? - [Lindsay] All right. Yes. - [Aubrey] Jennifer Golden Automotive. May I help you? - [Lindsay] Yeah, I need to speak to the service department, please. - [Aubrey] I'll transfer you. Can you hold a moment? - [Lindsay] Sure, no problem. - [Aubrey] Nice, that's one of many options. I could have said any of those that we shared. Do you mind if I put you on hold? Can I put you on hold a second? There are certainly options. - [Lindsay] Yeah guys, so write down these, right, our recommendations today. Can I put you on hold? Do you mind if I put you on hold? What are the other two one more time, Aubrey? Is it okay? - Is it okay - if I put you on hold a moment? Or just this one, do you mind holding? - [Lindsay] Yeah, I love it.
